On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 02:01:15AM +0000, Opensource Obscure wrote:
> Even if I'm used to open Profiles by clicking names 
> in chat windows, I didn't immediately realized that
> the Profile button was redundant. I agree it was.

It's not redundant: there is no garantee that the
there is a nickname to click on in that window.

You can have just opened the tab, and there is no
chat text in it at all. Or you IM-ed that person,
but he doesn't respond (or you don't want to have
to wait till he responds). Or it's an old TAB
and the chat has scrolled away with "online/offline"

In the chat tab of a particular person, what is more
logical than having a button to open the profile
of that person? Clicking on the NAME of a person
to open their profile only makes sense in chat
windows with multiple persons: group chat, friend
conference or local chat. In an IM window one just
wants a button that is always there.

Carlo Wood <ca...@alinoe.com>
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