Kent Quirk (Q Linden) wrote:
> As Howard just announced today:
> we're close to release of Viewer 2. 
> I will commit to updating this roadmap once Viewer 2 is released. We're being 
> asked to keep relatively tight-lipped until then. I still won't be able to 
> talk about everything, but we should be able to say a lot more.

"The current viewer, version 1.23, will not go away any time soon. In 
the earliest case, following the policy T described here, 1.23 will be 
around until 30 days after we ship Viewer 2.1 (our first update to the 
new viewer), about a quarter after delivery of Viewer 2. Even then, 
there will continue to be open source viewers based on the 1.23 code 
base available for users who wish to continue using them."

"We've got a bit of work to do to rebase Snowglobe off of the Viewer 2 
code base and merge in Snowglobe changes, but we're on it."

"We need help from our robust, passionate developer community to develop 
"power user" and more niche market viewers."

So Snowglobe goes newbie 2.0, but you expect the open source community 
to develop off the old code base?

I hate it already.  And the secrecy gives me more time to hate it more.

"If you're a software development geek, you might be interested to know 
that we're in the thick of a substantial transition in how we build 
software. Most of our teams have moved to a Scrum-inspired model, 
keeping iterations short, quality high and working off of a clearly 
prioritized product backlog."

Seven months (and counting) is a short iteration?  Using the buzzwords 
doesn't make it Agile.

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