Kent Quirk (Q Linden) wrote:
> On Jan 21, 2010, at 7:35 PM, Mike Monkowski wrote:
>>Kent Quirk (Q Linden) wrote:
>>"We need help from our robust, passionate developer community to develop 
>>"power user" and more niche market viewers."
>>So Snowglobe goes newbie 2.0, but you expect the open source community to 
>>develop off the old code base?
> No -- but also don't expect everyone will adapt. Our intent is to have 
> Snowglobe rebased as quickly as we can pull it off.

So what does the "We need help" above refer to?  Converting the newbie 
2.0 viewer into a Classic viewer?

Doesn't anyone at Linden remember New Coke?

>>Seven months (and counting) is a short iteration?  Using the buzzwords 
>>doesn't make it Agile.
> He said we're changing. It's taken time to change systems and processes. And, 
> by the way, having short iterations doesn't mean releasing every iteration. 
> So the snark is a bit misplaced. We've been silent; we haven't released 
> anything in a while -- that's true. We're changing -- but I don't suppose you 
> have to believe us until we prove it. It's my stated intention, as the lead 
> of the viewer development team, to prove it. I can see it from here, so I'm 
> excited about it. 

True, having short iterations doesn't mean releasing every iteration, 
but you only get the benefit if you do.  The whole point of Agile is to 
get frequent feedback from the users so you don't stray too far off 
track.  Without the communications it's just self-adulation.

"We've been silent....We're changing..."

I think I liked it better when we saw things coming down through the 
release cycle.

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