On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 2:28 AM, Kent Quirk (Q Linden) 

>  It's my stated intention, as the lead of the viewer development team, to
> prove it. I can see it from here, so I'm excited about it.

Q, my fingers are itching to start to work on some real improvements
of snowglobe... but I can't, because there is going to be a huge
merge with unknown and closed source some time in the future.

I hope this is a one time thing. If you want to be open source
you should be OPEN SOURCE. This whole 2.0 thingy is starting to
annoy me to no end. If it happens again, it's probably best to
just fork snowglobe and turn into an independent Open Source project
where people don't have to hold back constantly with making
changes because some invisible team is working behind the scenes
and refuses to communicate about what they do.
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