Am Freitag 22 Januar 2010 schrieb Aleric Inglewood:
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 2:28 AM, Kent Quirk (Q Linden) 
> >  It's my stated intention, as the lead of the viewer development
> > team, to prove it. I can see it from here, so I'm excited about
> > it.
> Q, my fingers are itching to start to work on some real
>  improvements of snowglobe... but I can't, because there is going
>  to be a huge merge with unknown and closed source some time in the
>  future.
> I hope this is a one time thing. If you want to be open source
> you should be OPEN SOURCE. This whole 2.0 thingy is starting to
> annoy me to no end. If it happens again, it's probably best to
> just fork snowglobe and turn into an independent Open Source
>  project where people don't have to hold back constantly with
>  making changes because some invisible team is working behind the
>  scenes and refuses to communicate about what they do.

snowglobe is 100% GPL, right?

gimme 15 mins and it's on sourceforge.
ok maybe more than 15 mins, the svn checkin would be HUGE.
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