You can get the 2.1M1 source from

Unfortunately the process of creating Stores is rather poorly documented. There's some info on the Wiki that will help you get started, but you're going to need to look at the source code for the existing Store implementations to really understand anything. The good news is once you get over the initial hump it's not too bad.

Also, there are a couple Store implementations that aren't part of the 2.1M1 download (they came later) that you can look at online with viewcvs.

Lastly, somewhere on this list awhile ago someone posted a method of getting CVS access through an http proxy (or something like that). If you can find that post it may help you get the latest source.

Good luck,

Ragia wrote:
Hello James,

Regarding what u advised me, I intend to use your first approach, and I will
work on using Slide extendable Store. But am now in a miss of how to begin?
Is there any samples or any know hows regarding that stuff ?? Also from
where I can get version 2.1 material it is not accessible from the site,
while I cannot access CV's from here due to proxy settings..

Thanx in advance


Ok, let me see if I understand you correctly here.

You're trying to integrate your CMS and Slide by modifying your CMS to use Slide as its repository. Using the webdav client library you've done this, but you want to be able to use other webdav clients (WebFolders), and since those will access Slide directly you need a way make Slide aware of the business rules in your CMS that govern access

to content.

Correct me if I got any of that wrong.

I see two ways to accomplish this:

1) The way Slide is usually integrated with other CMSs is an inverse of the approach you've taken. Slide has an extendable Store architecture which would allow it to use *your* CMS to store data, rather than your CMS using Slide to store data. You would then use this Store interface to tell Slide how your access model works and Slide would take care of access checking for all requests.

At the moment writing a Store implementation is not trivial, due mostly to a lack of documentation and a steep learning curve. We're working on that, though ;). If you want to take this approach, it will probably give you the best result.

2) There's an event framework in the upcoming Slide release (2.1) that you may be able to take advantage of here. What you would need to is create Event Listeners for the different access requests. These event listeners would then communicate with your CMS and check that the user making the request has the appropriate rights. If access is denied to the user the listeners would throw a Veto exception and Slide would cancel

the request.

-----Original Message-----
From: James Mason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 9:18 AM
To: Slide Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Need Help !

We're working on the documentation, but it's slow going :).

The the first beta release of 2.1 is scheduled for the 10th. We're aiming
for the end of the year sometime for the final release (I can't remember
exactly when).

I'd actually recommend going with 2.1 over 2.0. There are a few bugs with
2.0 that can make it annoying to work with.

The documentation on the event system is actually pretty good. Take a look
at the javadoc for the org.apache.slide.event package. It goes into good
detail how to create events and listeners.


Ragia wrote:

Yes, you got me completely right. You are great !! :) I really appreciate your response.

A point that I want to clear is that: I need a user using my CMS client to have his document stored in both my own CMS repository and also Slide-WebDAV repository (if it is up and running) . So that he can add/view documents through my CMS client and also take the WebDAV facilities (if Slide is up and running) to add documents to my CMS through web folders. That's is why I thought of using webdav client library instead of the inverse approach cos I need the document added by my CMS client to be added to the webdav as well and vise versa (detect

events on web folders and let my CMS respond to it).

Now I need to know when will the 2.1 get released? Should I wait for the release version or I can work with the given 2.1 material on the jakarta site? And where to get a documentations or examples on that?

A point that I want to raise again is that the documentation is really weak :( .. And am getting really out of ideas ! :( if this mailing list wasn't there, I would have gave up by now, so Thanx again for the reply!! And please keep in touch :))


-----Original Message-----
From: James Mason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 9:56 PM
To: Slide Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Need Help !

Ok, let me see if I understand you correctly here.

You're trying to integrate your CMS and Slide by modifying your CMS to use Slide as its repository. Using the webdav client library you've done this, but you want to be able to use other webdav clients (WebFolders), and since those will access Slide directly you need a way make Slide aware of the business rules in your CMS that govern access

to content.

Correct me if I got any of that wrong.

I see two ways to accomplish this:

1) The way Slide is usually integrated with other CMSs is an inverse of the approach you've taken. Slide has an extendable Store architecture which would allow it to use *your* CMS to store data, rather than your CMS using Slide to store data. You would then use this Store interface to tell Slide how your access model works and Slide would take care of access checking for all requests.

At the moment writing a Store implementation is not trivial, due mostly to a lack of documentation and a steep learning curve. We're working on that, though ;). If you want to take this approach, it will probably give you the best result.

2) There's an event framework in the upcoming Slide release (2.1) that you may be able to take advantage of here. What you would need to is create Event Listeners for the different access requests. These event listeners would then communicate with your CMS and check that the user making the request has the appropriate rights. If access is denied to the user the listeners would throw a Veto exception and Slide would cancel

the request.


Ragia wrote:

Thanx a lot for the reply!!

Well, here is my sample code:

      HttpURL homeUrl = new
      res = new WebdavResource(homeUrl);
      File f = new File("c:\\test.txt");
      boolean b = res.putMethod("/webapp/slide/files/test.txt", f);

That was how to add a document to slide.

And that is how I can retrieve documents from Slide store

for (Iterator i = res.listBasic().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
String []arr2 = (String []);
for (int j=0 ; j< arr2.length; j++)

So that I can add/view documents, Now I need to know how to respond to the addition/deletion and all the actions that happens from Windows


I also need to let My CMS access rules apply on The Wndows Explorer repository.

Am I going on the right way??



-----Original Message----- From: James Mason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:49 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Need Help !

How did you achieve the integration? Was it by writing a Store implementation? If so, I'm not sure what you mean by letting your CMS respond to the addition/deletion of files.

As for access, if you implement SecurityStore you can decide how to map the NodePermission objects to access rights in your CMS.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/29/04 6:55 AM >>>


I am trying to integrate my own CMS (Content Management System) to Slide, I succeeded in adding/viewing my documents from my own CMS client to the slide repository.

My next step is that I need to let my CMS responds to the addition/deletion of files from my Windows web folder, is this possible through the Slide API's ??
Also I need to apply my OWN CMS access rules to the windows web folders.

Any tiny idea will be highly appreciated..
Thanx in advance,


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