Alexander Saar wrote:
Hi Carsten,
I still have problems with the sample app. I started with a clean
checkout of the trunk, build the standalone Sling with the full profile
and started sling standalone without problems.

Next I tried to deploy the sample app using the sling maven plugin. This
failed with the ResourceNotFoundException I mentioned previously. After
checking the repository I noticed that no content was loaded, but the
bundle was loaded as it was listed in the Sling console. I uninstalled
the bundle and tried installation again using the sling console. After
that initial content was available.

sling/SamplePage and sling/SampleContent scripts can be resolved now,
but if I access a page that uses these scripts I still get an empty
response (an no exception in the log). If I look into the repository the
JSPs are compiled. So I think the problem has nothing to do with the
ResourceNotFoundExceptions for SamplePage.class/SampleContent.class as
they are used in the scripts and without them compiling would probably fail.

The /org/apache/sling/sample/html.jsp script can not be found in the
repository after deployment of the bundle. This if I access a page that
uses this script, the DefaultServlet is resolved.

I tried to check this behaviour with the webapp distribution. But when I
deploy it I get exceptions that Felix framework classes can not be
found. Is it necessary to add Felix core JARs to the servlets container

Hi Alex,

no, there is no need to add the felix classes to the engine's classpath. All framework related classes should be in WEB-INF/classes and everything else are bundles. It's difficult to tell what is going wrong from here, but one possible problem could be the startup order of the bundles. I've put most of the "org.apache.felix.*" bundles into the WEB-INF/resources/corebundles directory which ensures that these bundles are loaded before the bundles of WEB-INF/resources/bundles.

Carsten Ziegeler

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