Felix Meschberger wrote:
Hi Alexander,

Am Dienstag, den 08.01.2008, 17:26 +0100 schrieb Alexander Klimetschek:
One problem is the HTTP Service bundle that is used which did include a Servlet API 1.3 implementation (Jetty) although Sling expects a 2.4 API. That caused runtime errors of the JSPs in the sample app. It can be solved when using the patched HTTP Service bundle from the felix project [1] written by Felix (thanks to Carsten's help).

I am currently working of getting the http.jetty bundle to using the
latest jetty 6.1 from the maven repository. This means Servlet API
2.5 ;-). In addition, I will probably include the Servlet API classes
with the http.jetty bundle such that a separate Servlet API bundle is
not required any more.

And I also saw these content loading and node type registration issues.
As Carsten has been working on these things lately, I assume, he may be
more up to date in this respect.

Node type registration and content loading is done by two different bundles. Both register a SynchronousBundleListener which is loading content/registering node types on startup of the bundle containing the listener and whenever a bundle is installed/uninstalled.

Now it seems that in some cases, the bundle loading the content is notified before the bundle that should register the node types. I'm not sure but afaik there is no way to force an order of the listeners. Adding the content when the bundle is already started is obviously too late.

Carsten Ziegeler

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