On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is yet another alternative, which also sounds intriguing: We
> define a ScriptEngineFactory for the ".pipeline" extension. Files  with
> the extension .pipeline would be pipeline configurations, which would be
> interpreted by the PipelineScriptEngine. The second part of the
> processing -- preparation of the input data -- would be analogous to the
> above with the two options :
>         /a/b/data
>              +-- sling:resourceType = "sling/pipeline/sample"
>         /apps/sling/pipeline/sample/html.pipeline
>              "file with pipeline config"

I like this one more.

For the question how the initial XML (or whatever stream the pipeline
can handle) is generated: that should be part of the pipeline
config/script, using standard generators just as in Cocoon for
example. I could imagine a XML generator that simply does an xml
document view of the node in question.

Just my 2 cents...


Alexander Klimetschek

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