On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 5:10 AM, paksegu <paks...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Though I am late to this discussion, taken an excerpt form previous discussion
> "I could imagine a XML generator that simply does an xml document view of the 
> node in question." [ An excerpt from previous discussion]
> then  using *something to process the document, into something
> Wouldn't E4X (links below) be a viable alternative in this situation? for 
> example you could write (output) your links and name of links into an HTML 
> then use an HTML parser to crawl and check the links...WDYT?
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Guide/Processing_XML_with_E4X
> https://developer.mozilla.org/En/E4X

For the generator of the pipeline it should be possible to use any
normal sling script, because they already run on top of the data (a
node/resource) and generate a stream. If there would be a scripting
engine capable of E4X, one could simply use it as generator.

Regarding scripts for all the parts of a pipeline: For the other
elements of the pipeline (transformers and serializers) the input
interface is a bit more difficult as they will have to deal with an
input stream. In Cocoon, these pipelines are based on standard SAX
events, which is probably not that easy to "script".


Alexander Klimetschek

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