> ...and I thought my 5 was getting excessive...
> OK, let's get OT and have a "Mine's bigger than yours"

Can we maybe also still talk about employment issues 
pleeeeesee????? ;)

I'm  also pretty new to the IT industry, and would actually like to 
eventually specialise in gnu/linux/free software, more because of its 
open source / utilitarian nature than because it might lead in to 
working with other, "bigger" unices.

Presently, I'm doing desktop support in an organisation that has a 
pretty standard windohs/netware setup.  I'm also studying part time 
towards a master of computer science degree.  I'm quite happy with 
the situation except that i dont have enough spare time between work 
and uni to really get into playing/working with linux and this is 
frustrating me.  

Im sorta considering two basic options.
Should I:

a)  continue with the degree (will take another 3 years at current 
rate) and find another job in which i would get a chance to develop 
linuxy skills?

b) stay with the job and ditch (or defer) uni in favour of some sort 
of linux-based/related training, which could see me using such skills 
in a job in the not too distant future?

I'd appreciate any feedback, especially from those of you who use 
gnu/linux as a main os in their job.



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