Dave Kempe wrote:
> >
> > In the short term, or the long term (and in the long term, to
> > what degree)?
> >
> > Sure, in this situation, you get short term bikkies. How fast are
> > you going
> > to 'climb the ladder' though? If your purpose at work is to earn
> > money (mine
> > isn't, but that's another story), how fast/far do you think your
> > career will
> > advance without having done Uni?
> >
> > I worry about this. :)
> >
> I've stopped worrying about this. I guess running your own business helps
> with that. There are no ladders when you do it yourself i guess. My
> company(partnership) is doing ok, we are supporting ourselves, soon to put
> on our first employee, got an office etc. Its pretty tough doing it
> yourself, but its damn fun. And you don't have to put up with any corporate
> bullshit. This ain't too hard for a support type person to say (the other
> half of the company is web devel) but i guess for a person who likes
> coding/programming its a bit different. Often this sort of development needs
> the support of a fairly large company, unless you are very experienced.

Here, here !

I too spent 6 months at uni doing a business compting degree, Bah ! *waves hand

Now I also run my own gig (mostly web dev but some IT too, hey jeff ? :) and
with a name like LinuxWorx I thought it would be a while before the work came
flowing in but no, alot of companies ask the "What can linux do for my company"
question. At that point i could rattle off a list as long as their arm. 

Most of the people i deal with fit into the small biz category (10-50) employees
but my simple linux solutions have done nothing but impress every one of them,
mostly they are just internet <-> internet gateways but still.

On the programming side of things, This is what *i* mostly do and all I think
uni would have done for me is put me back 3-4 years.  The question I ask is
"Could uni have taught me how to write PHP and HTML".  I guess sort of, maybe in
the basics but it still would have taken 3-4 years :)



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