Ok, this one's for the Debianites.

I've apt-get'd (apt-gotten?) kernel-source-2.2.17, alsa-source-0.4 and
kernel-patch-2.2.17-reiserfs.  These together put a bunch of tarballs
and weird directories in /usr/src.

I used to just extract the kernel source and do the make-kpkg like the
docs say, that part is the easy part.  Now, the reiserfs patch has
installed itself into /usr/src/kernel-patches/i386/2.2.17/ with the
patch and some functions, and the alsa-source tarball comes out to
/usr/src/modules/alsa-source-0.4/ with the entire alsa source.

I've checked /usr/share/doc/blah/ for alsa and reiser values of blah and
there is sweet fa there (well, a README.Debian which tells me nothing)
on how to install these patches the Debian way.  Sure, i can drive
patch, but i'm guessing there is some magic command to stick them into
the kernel tree before i 'make menuconfig'.

Any suggestions?  Or am I going to go the tried and true
'ignore-the-debian-way-for-the-kernel' method?

     Sure, I subscribe to USENET, but I only get it for the articles.
(o_ '

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