Hi Everyone,

> From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> It was installed this morning. They offered me a USB installation, but
> when I declined they gave me a SMC 1102 TX 10/100 Ethernet card. I have
> compiled support into the kernel (2.4.0-test12), and the NIC is working,
> i.e., if I do:
> $ifconfig eth0 up
> $ping -c 50

Hmm... as far as I am aware, you do __not_ need to give the NIC card used by 
the ADSL an IP address.  Indeed, if you were watching how the techie did 
things, he didn't put an IP address into the Windows configs for the interface 
either.  You also do _not_ need to set the interface to use DHCP.

> I've edited /etc/ppp/peers/provider to give:

Too hard!  Much too much work!

> but when I enter the command pon, nothing happens, 'cept the Alcatel
> "speed touch home" flashes at me smugly. The relevant part of
> /var/log/debug is:
> It almost looks like I have the password wrong, but I have double
> checked, (I don't). Any ideas?

Yeah.  For one, you username _must_ be user@bigpond, and the password is all 
lower-case (assuming you're connecting to Bigpond ADSL).  I'm using CHAP for 
the PPP authentication, not PAP.  I don't think it really matters though.

A highly recommended solution is to do the following:

1) Download rp-pppoe (the latest one, the old one has an interesting denial of 
service attack :) )
2) Unpack rp-pppoe
3) ./configure
4) make
5) make install
6) adsl-setup (provide your user@bigpond as the username, and lower case 
password as the password, set DNS server to server, and set a firewall option).
7) adsl-start (.connected should be returned)
8) You're on the Internet :)

I use the CLAMP_MSS option (which is how the DoS works), and set my internal 
hosts MSS to 1492 (I think).

Works like a charm.  When I want to up the ADSL, I do "adsl-start", when I want 
to drop the ADSL, I do "adsl-stop". Simple.  I had it all running 5 minutes 
after the techie left (and he left behind a broken Win95 install).

One other tip.  You'll notice that the SMTP server setting provided by the 
documentation is "mail-hub" and the POP server is "pop-server" with no FQDN.  
Set the "search" option in your /etc/resolv.conf to "vic.bigpond.net.au", and 
mail-hub and everything else will magically start resolving :)  www will also 
magically start resolving too.

Does Telstra think we're stupid?  I laugh whenever I ring them up and give them 
the error message that PPP is providing -> "I'm getting CHAP authentication 
failed messages", "you're getting what?"

Rebecca Richards, CCSA CCSE, Unix/Security Architect, e-Secure Pty Ltd
"Secure in a Networked World"     Phone:  (02) 9438 4984 Fax: (02) 9438 4986
Suite 201, 2-4 Pacific Highway    Mobile: 0412 823 206
St Leonards NSW Australia         Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ACN 068 798 194                   http://www.e-secure.com.au


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