Hi Martin,

On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Martin wrote:

> On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Rebecca Richards wrote:
> > Works like a charm.  When I want to up the ADSL, I do "adsl-start", when I want 
> > to drop the ADSL, I do "adsl-stop". Simple.  I had it all running 5 minutes 
> > after the techie left (and he left behind a broken Win95 install).
> I really wanted to see if I could work out how it all worked, and also

Fair enough comment.  

> to make it an interface that starts automatically. I have an unlimited
> connection, so I don't want to have to worry about connecting. I edited

There have been occasions where the PPP link has gone down (because
the access server somewhere within Tel$tra died), and it's spent all
afternoon trying to reconnect.  

I hate to be in a situation where Tel$tra charges flagfall for the
outbound connection, and not realising it until after my ADSL modem picks
up and drops the line a million times in a day.

I much rather like the situation where, if the link dies and doesn't come
back up within say three attempts, it stops and waits for me to see what's

At the end of my rc.local (I'm using RH62), I set up my firewall, and then
call adsl-start. quite simple.

> > One other tip.  You'll notice that the SMTP server setting provided by the 
> > documentation is "mail-hub" and the POP server is "pop-server" with no FQDN.  
> > Set the "search" option in your /etc/resolv.conf to "vic.bigpond.net.au", and 
> > mail-hub and everything else will magically start resolving :)  www will also 
> > magically start resolving too.
> Yeah, this one confused me for a bit, but I came up with a slightly
> different solution. instead of the "search" option I used the "domain"
> option, as in:
> domain vic.bigpond.net.au

Now all of the machines on your local network have a vic.bigpond.net.au
domain, which is completely different to the search order.

For instance, I have the following:

domain home.becsta.net
search vic.bigpond.net.au

All of my machines on my local network have a home.becsta.net FQDN, but I
can try to resolve www, in which case the resolver will try
www. www.home.becsta.net and www.vic.bigpond.net.au (or something like
that, I forget the exact way it does this).

> Which works fine, and seemed to be what the man page suggested. Should I
> be using "search"? 

You should be using "search" instead of "domain"

Rebecca A. Richards

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