I have just had a brief sojourn in Singapore and have had the opportunity to see
the SG education system at work.  They really get max utilisation out of their
schools.  You child is allocated to either morning school (7:30 to 13:00) or
afternoon school (13:00 to 18:30).  The thing that amazed me is the standard of
education.  I was watching two sisters (daughters of a friend) aged 10 & 12
doing their computer assignments and their knowledge of presentation,
spreadsheets, etc was outstanding, and this was being done in Tamil as well as
in English.  They have not yet started on Malay or Hokkien, the other languages
in SG.

I tell you AU just doesn't hold a candle to SG.

[OK, so I am getting OT]

Quoting David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I believe groups such as SLUG owe it to the community to make political
> stands on computer literacy. 
> For some reason, Australian politicians have NO idea about the need for
> serious computer studies. My 17 year old son spent one whole year doing
> computer studies and came out not knowing how to create a web page (even
> using WYSIWYG editors) or understanding spreadsheeting, or even how to
> use
> the 'net for research. How far behind are we going to get? He got some
> obscure theory and that was it.
> This is not about pushing Linux, but it is about the future of the lucky
> country - nothing less.
> The state government, as I understand it from radio reports, is running
> a
> PILOT program on computer literacy - my god! where have they been the
> last
> ten years?
> Meantime, I heard recently that UNSW is discarding plans to run on-line
> teaching. (hearsay - I hope I'm wrong), and downsizing it's in-house
> staff
> computer training (again hearsay, but I'm told they think it isn't
> necessary).
> I know this is not a political list, but sometimes I think community
> groups have obligations to do some arse-kicking.
> </rant>
> David.
> On Mon, 15 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Interesting article in today's Sydney Morning Herald;
> > 
> > http://www.smh.com.au/news/0101/15/national/national14.h
> > tml
> > 
> > Now, boys and girls, can anyone tell me WHAT they will 
> > be tested on ?  Anyone ???
> > 
> > I feel a Ministerial Letter coming on...:-)
> > 
> > --------------------------------------------------------
> > --------------
> > It is irresponsible to connect a Windows machine to the 
> > Internet...
> >                                          ...John 
> > Wiltshire - SLUG 1999
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> > More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug
> > 
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

LANNet Computing Associates <http://lannetlinux.com>
   "...well, it worked before _you_ touched it!"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

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