At 15:39 18/01/2001, you wrote:
>I think this is the crux of the whole agruement. 2u + 3u computing is
>theoretical and this indicates a large void in the education of our youth in
>the technology areas that are now standard and required knowledge in
>industry. Education is about being employable isnt it?
I tried to resist, I really did, but..........why is there this perception 
in society that the only thing worthwhile is employment?!!!
Surely a person is much more than a 'human resource' to be used and 
discarded at will? Which seems to be the general attitude of business these 
days, the only thing that counts is the so called 'bottom-line". If we are 
just 'human resources' to be used abused and spat out by the business 
sector then yes education is about being employable. If however you 
remember that people are first and foremost a social being that we need to 
interact, communicate, love and be loved, that we (well most) want to do 
more in life that just be an employee then there is a whole lot more to 
education than just being employable. Primary and Secondary education used 
to be about the 'person' about helping individuals become a complete, well 
rounded, logical, caring, loving, respectful. We should be teaching them 
about themselves, about self worth, human diginity, how to interact, how to 
care about others, how to go on learning, how to value life, how to be the 
best possible person they can be. I try to teach my students what they 
individually need, I do not teach computing, but I do use computing as my 
vehicle for achieving a great range (not all, I am no superhuman) of these 
I guess that would make them more employable, but heck maybe the employer 
might have to take some responsibilty for assessing their own needs and 
carrying out their own training. Maybe then they would treat their 
employess with more respect as they had invested precious money in them.
BTW there is no longer any 2U and 3U Computing Studies, as someone eles 
pointed out they have been replaced by Software Design and Development 
(which can be done in any language(s) available to the school and which 
they have suitably trained staff) and  Information Processing and 
Technologies a much wider but still fairly rigorous course.

As this is way off topic and I have found in the past that the best you can 
do in these arguments is to end up agreeing to disagree I will not respond 
any more.

Simon Bryan
IT Manager
OLMC Parramatta

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