On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Gregg wrote:

> I need to use ssh from my Linux machine to log into a SUN computer in
> Denmark, then start an xterm on another computer behind their firewall
> (on a network).

So the plan is to ssh to the firewall, then ssh to the machine on the
private address range, then start an xterm?  This is probably easiest,
assuming ssh sets up the x11 port forwarding for you.  There are a couple
of other ways you could do it.

> warning: Executing /usr/local/bin/ssh1 for ssh1 compatibility.
> Executing ssh1 in compatibility mode failed
> [greggs@linuxbox src]# ./lsh aegir.miba.auc.dk
> Unsupported protocol version: SSH-1.5-1.2.26

Sounds like the version of ssh and lsh you have support ssh2, not ssh1.
You need to grab an ssh1 client.


> If I try other methods of logging in to aegir.miba.auc.dk (telnet,
> rlogin, etc.) I have no difficulties but can't get the $DISPLAY
> environment variable so that I can run the xterm. 

You can do these yourself.  ssh sets up the x11 tunneling by opening
a port on the remote machine and sending all traffic to it through to
your local display (as determined by the DISPLAY setting on the machine
on which you're running ssh).  It's simple enough to set the DISPLAY
environment setting to point at your own machine.

On your box do 'echo $DISPLAY' and you'll probably see something like 
':0.0'.  On the remote machine instead make it 'ip_address:0.0' (where
ip_address is your actual ip address).

On your box you need to authorize the remote machine to transmit to your
display.  You can do this with 'xauth +aegir.miba.auc.dk'.

Then xterms launched on that machine should pop up on your own.  There
are a couple of downsides to this method.  The traffic isn't encrypted
like it is when tunneled through ssh.  In this case where you are
starting the xterm on the machine on the 192.168 address range it
may not work, since it's not tunneling hop by hop.  If the machine
has outgoing tcp connections masqueraded by the firewall then you
shouldn't have problems with this.

Really i think you want to make life easy and just get ssh working.


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