>> Greetings. I am new to both this mailing list and to Linux. I am
>> striving to have a Microsoft (opps, I said that dirty word) free
>> computer. 
> good luck! :)

If you really want to become MS free then just format and dont install 
windows. Jumping straight into the deep end is the best way to achieve a 
windowless existance IMO.

Id grab all the howtos and mini-howtos.

The linux doc project provides excellent information on every aspect of 
linux. I can only recommend them.

>> My printer, HP Deskjet 600C is supported, however I still cant get it
>> working. Could someone please step me through the process of setting up
>> a printer. I tryed the HOW TOs on the net, but I am even more confused
>> now. 
> what have you tried?
> where do you get up to before you get confused?
> what errors are you seeing?

printtool has always worked well for me.

you can hand edit /etc/printcap
man printcap for details

linuxconf may also have a print configuration tool, however vi and pico
work just fine for me.


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