\begin{Paul Cameron}
> My, that *is* impressive. When did you look for a job? I was looking
> for jobs from a Unix/Linux/C/Perl/Java low level/systems programming
> perspective background in January/February, and was practically laughed
> at when I suggested a lowly salary of $40k. Still, the wrong end of that
> is better than nothing.

well.. to put it bluntly: maybe you need more experience and/or suck.

> Guess what? Its an absolute bitch to set up from the basics.

I'll give you that. debian (at least) has a nicely working set of
tools tho (apt-get install task-sgml)

(tex is the same - i'd never try (again) building a tex installation
from basic packages)

> you are still left clueless about its inner workings.

same as with any other tools - until you read some documentation.

> How do you embed images into your PS or PDF files?

<graphic> or <mediaobject>

> How do you use stylesheets from, say, the LDP or the FreeBSD doc
> project ?

jade -d /path/to/stylesheet

> What's the difference between print and html documentation ?

one includes images, etc inline, the other doesn't, different table of
contents styles, page numbers, etc

> Automatic indexing ?? How does one do that ?!

see http://www.nwalsh.com/docbook/dsssl/doc/indexing.html

(its also installed locally with the debian docbook-stylesheets-doc

> What happens when, say, your resulting document ends up looking
> like utter crap?

you fix it.

> What went wrong?

i'm sorry, i'll need a little more information.

"in what way did it go wrong?"

> Do you understand how the convoluted tool chain works ?

yes - from an "overview" level. i'm not familiar with every line of
code, of course.

> For PDF, How are you converting it?


> Directly to it using an XML transformation engine, via TeX to DVI to
> PDF (thrice, it takes three iterations to generate proper versions,
> it just does ...) using pdfjadetex?

most latex-like tools have to run multiple times, since they only do a
single pass through the document. forward links need to be written to
an external file (file.aux) and then fixed up on the next run. if
those references cause page boundaries to move, etc - it will need to
be run again.

> Your index is malformed, why is that ?

i'll need a little more information.

"in what way is it malformed?"

> Or, you can just use something more comfortable, like Abiword or
> OpenOffice for your important extensive company documentation projects.
> Or not.

you claim to know how those toolchains work?

what do you do if the formatting ends up like crap with them?

and the biggie:  how do you enforce standard layouts with all you
corporate documents?  what if you change that standard?  what if you
do something simple like change your company email address?

> I like DB. I just wish it were a little easier.

i'm sure patches are welcomed.

 - Gus

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