The address space is owned by, but my company is listed in the aunic
database for that IP address range.

They are saying I have been 'allocated the incorrect IP range', even tho I
have had the address range over a year now.  This has only came to there
knolidge when I have requeseted a change for the reverse dns.  I also
requested a change about 8 months ago, they didn't pick up anything weird
then.  They are also saying the IP addresses have 'already been taken'.

Should I yell and scream, or just give em up?

btw, the block is (>110ish)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Fitch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] ISP requests IP block back

> On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 06:58:06PM +1000, Rob B wrote:
> > A lot of ISP's will lease the IP space to you rather than selling it.
> > you can do is read your contract with the ISP and see if it mentions
> > allocations of IP space.  You can also check on the APNIC web site
> > ( to see who really owns the IP space.
> as far as I'm aware no one actually owns IP addresses, even ISPs,
> you just get assigned them as you need them and give them back
> when no longer required anymore.  That's the theory anyway
> (AFAIK, YMMV and other assorted acronyms) so maybe your ISP
> has been asked to give those addresses back to the registry?
> Dave.
> --
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