Nope - I tried Ctrl-Alt-F2 with no result.

An alphanumeric login screen appears briefly - too briefly to fill out
username and password - then it goes to black, then to blue, then some
flashes of colour, then back to the start of the cycle with the messages
below appearing and increasing in number each time the cycle goes around.

My best bet would seem to be the RH7 boot disk, then tomsrbtb boot disk -
then to give up on any prospects of recovery (OKreally, I'd lose downloaded
software but no critical data) and install Debian Potato over it as a
completely new system and put it down to experience.

I'm still stumped why my root partition filled up to the extent that it did.
It's something I wish to understand in order to prevent a recurrence.

What do you use undergound ? Ex army ruggedised laptops ?


Adam Bogacki.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 03 May, 2001 04:13 PM
To: Adam F. Bogacki
Cc: Slug@Slug. Org. Au
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Can't log in to RH7 drive. Ideas ?

On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 03:22:05PM +1000, Adam F. Bogacki wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having trouble logging in to my RH7 drive. When I try I
> get a repeated message before the log-in screen should come up, suggesting
> the boot program is doing a loop:
> "According to  /var/run/, gdm was already running (1094) but seems
> have been murdered mysteriously
> According to  /var/run/, gdm was already running (....) but seems
> have been murdered mysteriously
> According to  /var/run/, gdm was already running (....) but seems
> have been murdered mysteriously"

After you get logged in you can prob delete this lock file manually. Now to

> If I can't get any other ideas I think I'll just have to install RH7.1
> RH7.0 and lose all the software I've installed and downloaded. It would,
> however, solve the problem of my root (/) partition showing 100% usage
> I 'df'. When I tried 'du -S | sort -n' it showed that I had a number of

They can be deleted manually after logging in. Root should prob still have
5% disk space reserved for it.

> non-deleted cores as the largest users of diskpace apart from
> but when I deleted (some of) them as root, my root partition still showed
> 100% usage. Now I can't even log on .....

Can you login as root by using the other consoles under Ctrl-Alt-F2 ?
ie do you get a login prompt when you do the above three finger.

Michael Lake
Active caver, Linux enthusiast and interested in anything technical.
Safety Convenor, Australian Speleological Federation
Owner, Speleonics (Australia)

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