Adam F. Bogacki was once rumoured to have said:
> Muchas Gracias for your wisdom, Crossfire !

I'm actually sorry about my reply - I was in my usual early morning
bad-mood and was extremely annoyed that nobody (except Colin) had
suggested to boot single, which actually should have been the first
thing suggested for you to try.

> Unfortunately it is not so easy ... the whole goddam thing does not stay
> stable long enough to finish writing two words. I know ... I tried it.

Umm, what are you talking about?

you boot single at the lilo prompt, not the login prompt.

If your kenrel image is linux, you type [at the lilo prompt]:

linux single

of course, since you're using RedHat 7, by default there is athe
cruddy graphical boot screen, which you can hit escape at to get back
to the prompt IIRC [I disabled the boot graphic shortly after
installing RH7]

The problem is that the X server can't start properly, and is dieing,
and GDM is continuously trying to respawn it - and to make matters
worse, the X server is getting far enough to start initialising the
console, hence why you can't change VT, etc for very long.

When you boot single user, gdm isn't running.

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