<quote who="Rev Simon Rumble">

> http://www.rumble.net/redhatsucks.html

* Fix the reference to DHCP; you're talking about dhcpd, and it's confused a
  number of readers thus far (it's right later on, but the header is
  confusing). The reason for this is by-design; Red Hat's non-interactive
  setup hasn't really fit this in well (it could certainly be fixed to
  operate more like... the Debian packages (!)... though).

* Emacs without X: The LSB assumes the X libraries to be installed. Yes,
  some may see this as a bit of a mess (my initial reaction was the same),
  but it's there for a reason. Thus, this isn't necessarily broken. :)

* I (and others) haven't seen the man pages thing. Um, need more info. ;)

* Not the old apt-get argument again!

  Yes, it's perky and nice and wonderful, etc. Sure. Conectiva spent months
  getting their RPMs into a state to be useful with dpkg-rpm; it's a lot of
  work to fix all this up.  Debian has grown up with this concept, it has
  grown up with its policy development - it has a huge advantage in this

  Debian's packages and policy are also its greatest enemy. It's
  complicated. It's fairly hard to get into (please, there's no need to
  prove how elite you are by saying it's easy). You *do* need to have a good
  body of knowledge to start.

[ I was quite wrong about bugzilla too; it has become a little more
packageable than it used to be.  It's still a PITA. ;) ]

- Jeff

               "Socks for the foot menu!" - Liam Quin (Ankh)                

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