On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 06:07:30PM +1000, Del uttered:

> I strongly suggest, in the interest of the entire world wide Linux
> community, that you take it down and replace it with something a
> little more user friendly.

No.  With a little open criticism, Red Hat might actually fix these
problems.  The free software world has a lot in common with the Left
side of politics.  Its biggest strength and its biggest weakness is
its adherence to the policy of total openness.

This helps our "enemies" sometimes, but then many of us just ignore
the "enemies" anyway since their products suck.  It also requires an
understanding from people that they _CAN_ dive and find out the truth
from the horse's mouth without relying on spin from the opposing

Dragging the analogy a little further than it should be dragged, the
same ridiculous articles in the press here in London in the leadup to
the recent Mayday "riots" (their term) about people training in "US
anarchist training camps" are easily seen for what they are with a
quick trawl of the Net, the same source the newsmen used.  (See
www.ruckus.org).  The same is true of Microsoft's spin.

Your comments sound rather Trotskyist to me, if we're going to
make a Lefty political analogy :)

If I can't talk about the warts, this isn't my movement.

If I can't dance, this isn't my revolution.

Rev Simon Rumble        Current physical location: London, UK

A gentleman is a man who wouldn't hit a lady with his hat on.
                -- Evan Esar
                [ And why not?  For why does she have his hat on?  Ed.]

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