Im a big fan of netscape and now mozilla mail

flame me, but i like it


Craige McWhirter wrote:

> Thus spake Grant Street, on Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 02:30:08PM +1000:
>>Hello all
>>I am fairly new to using linux for peronal email stuff but:
>>I have a laptop(low powered) that I want to access my my mail from the
> ISP's
>>pop3 server but leave it there so that It can be downloaded 
>>on to the main workstation(windose :-( ). But also be able to send 
>>some mail as well.
>>I know in netscape you used to be able to set "Keep on Server" but
>>I don't want to download it if it does not have it. 
>>Or should I use fetchmail + balsa etc instead.
> Fetchmail would be my tool of choice (does what you have outlined
> above). You can then choose any MUA you like. that may or may not be
> Balsa.

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