> Im a big fan of netscape and now mozilla mail

> flame me, but i like it

Well I can't really flame you on mozilla mail cause I like it too
especially now 0.9.4 has "total" and "unread" for mail folders.
(Sometimes the refresh on the message pane is a bit slow though).

BUT, mozilla the browser needs some work. I doesn't do java apps in
linux, oh sure it's meant to but it doesn't. It can't do https either
it seems and some sites imagemap hrefs just don't work. Also needs
about 3 more cups of performance added to it. (though once it is
launched it renders pages pretty darn quick, and I love the "block
images from this server" option. Get's rid of those flashing adds
real quick).

Does anyone know of / use a *good* graphical browser for linux, (a
serious competitor to IE on Doze), like it does Java apps, handles https,
doesn't screw up framesets by getting the sizes wrong. Java script works
properly, (so many sites have a litle "if IE then run java script else
fsck it up" clause its sad, maybe you can fake out the browser ident or

I know all you hard core tech heads eschew such things and use lynx
but if Linux is ever to get a foot hold on the desktop then it needs
a browser that works for Joe Public.

BTW whilst on the topic of the desktop does anybody know of any news
re Abiword. 0.9.2 looks really good, about the only thing it needs is
table support, but the abisource website hasn't been updated in weeks,
(the weekly news is a bit dated now).



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