On Tue, 2001-11-20 at 08:16, Dean Hamstead wrote:
> >>Also afaik there're problems with the NetGear FA311s with 2.4.x ? and
> >>people have suggested use of FA310s instead. Is this true ?
> >>
> > 
> > Get Intel EtherExpress cards or Tulips (chipset, not brand).

Tulips are nice cards, but apparently they don't do the funky zero-copy
on write stuff that makes transfers between NICs so blisteringly fast.

> Netgear 10/100's work well in linux.

Indeed, but see tulip stuff above.  Somebody please correct me, so I
feel much happier about my FA310s.

> > You don't get pretty manuals, and seldom disks.
> ...which are usually totally useless in linux and youll just
> toss them in the recycling anyway.

The driver disk for the 310s, and maybe other Netgear cards, come with a
modified tulip.c.  This was required to make the card work in the kernel
I first tried it in (2.2.teen), but the changes have been rolled back
into the current kernels.
So yeah.  If you buy the retail box, don't be fooled.  The kernel driver
is the much newer, and the supplied driver won't work at all in 2.4.


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