Netware incorporates proprietary system calls that can be utilised 
by developers for file locking. date retrieval and many other 
functions.  If you are using mars-nwe the Netware server emulator, 
it may be that not all these system calls are supported.  The calls 
themselves have changed since Netware 3.11 (which mars-nwe 
emulates).  This may be the source of your problem.

Further, if this is the source of your problem, and you are able to 
get a test system running MYOB, it is likely that if MYOB works 
fine with a single workstation it will not ALWAYS work well in multi-
user mode, it is important that you emulate the customers 
environment.  You will need to test using simultaneous input from 
multiple workstations, and attempt to cause "file read/write 
collisions".  While I have no knowledge of MYOB, my experience 
with other databases running on Netware servers indicates that file 
locking failure (and file unlocking failure) is a major cause of 
database corruption and "deadly embrace" causing user abort and 
further file and database corruption.

Sad as it may seem, if MYOB will NOT support their product on a 
Linux server running a Netware emulator, you would be very foolish 
to proceed.  File corruption in an accounting database can be 
extremely costly for the client (and, ultimately for you if you 
recommend they ignore MYOB and proceed).

Why not downsize (remove all applications) the existing Netware 
server and leave ONLY MYOB on it?  Then install a second, more 
powerful Linux machine configured as a mars-nwe server, to which 
the users could authenticate and use as the general purpose 
fileserver/applications server.  To my mind that would be the safest 
alternative and should earn you kudos from your customer.

On 2 Jan 2002, at 17:29, Vince Meissner wrote about:
[SLUG] Linux not suitable as a fileserver for MYO

> I've got a client that uses MYOB Accountant's Office.
> It's a multi-user practice managment, time billing, invoicing type
> program.
> They're looking at replacing their existing Novell server which is at
> the end of it's life.
> I had them sold on the idea of a Linux based server until we discovered
> this little gem from MYOB's support pages.
> ******************************************
> Question
> Is Accountants Office supported on a Linux Server?
> Answer
> No, Linux is not a compatible Network Operating System for Accountants
> Office because of
> fundamental incompatibilies in file and record locking within Linux and
> is therefore not supported
> under any circumstances.
> Link:

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