Steven Evans wrote:

> Could you make the reply to this post public for all of us to see. 
> All the research done on this topic on google comes up with one response:
> myob has left a bug in their product to stop multiple users (1 is ok, 1 > is
> bad and reduce to crawl) from using linux as the file server of their .prm
> files.  

Have not encounted network throughput reduction. Currently off the top of my head. 

OS - Turbolinux 6.5

Samba 2.0.7 patched - File server is PCD, DNS2, WINS and dhcp.(will be going over to
2.2.2 soon - some nice things there).

Clients logon to domain.

Clients also have correct tcp/ip naming convention, with Windows domain name different.
ie, with windows domain not being "domain" but kingdom, as windows
screws up smb/netbios to tcp/ip. Richard Sharp's latest book on Samba is very good
(still waiting for John Terpstra to get off his ass and write his). 

ClientAcc.prm lives on Linux partition (ext2) in the share "homes" - will send smb.conf
file latter as on laptop.

Have found the file locking ok, but what I have found is that the MYOB dbase file .prm
is very flakey - tested it on windoses NT & 2000, I mean, that the some problem occurs.
The dbase file corrupts - especially as it gets bigger ie 200/300Mb +. So you need to
make sure that your client - first on to logon optomises the file first - or you can
write a little script for when the user logs on to the domain.

There may be some mistakes in my terminology - I've just finished a heavy beer and
prawns night.So if you need me to clarify what the hell i mean just email me again, as
I'm confusing myself tomorrow - today - this morning.........

hope this helps

> Slackware 7.1, samba 2.0.7, tcp as the protocol used (not ipx).
> Cheers,
> Steve
cheers (and prawns)

Michael Sztachanski
Snr. Tech. Engineer

m: 0410 547593

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