On Wed, Apr 17, 2002 at 12:16:52AM +1000, Dane wrote:
> Perhaps its not comments like mine (which are wholly indicative of
> exactly what sort of person I am, of course)  which necessitate groups
> like LC. Perhaps its an excessive inferiority complex.

Nono, it's simply a desire not to spend time that could be used learning
about Linux arguing with people who do any of the following:

 * Tell people to RTFM.

 * Hit on women at random.

 * Make idiotic jokes and claim that a failure to appreciate such jokes
   has something to do with us not having a sense of humour, as opposed
   to say, the joke being rude or really dumb.

Trust me, it would be really hard for me to be feeling excessively
inferior right about now.

> Maybe, just maybe, it's not me who needs to grow up.

But it's pretty unlikely, you have to admit.

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