On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Dane wrote:

> I struggle with the notion that so many people who theoretically have
> such great intellect fail miserably in understanding the notion of
> sarcasm or hyperbole.
> For a bunch of smart people, you sure are pretty stupid.
> So keen to twist issues based upon gender or maturity, you seem to
> lack any common sense.
> Perhaps its not comments like mine (which are wholly indicative of
> exactly what sort of person I am, of course)  which necessitate groups
> like LC. Perhaps its an excessive inferiority complex.
> Do you even remember what you are so incensed about?
> Did I offend your sensibilities as a woman? I apologise. This was
> never my intent.
> Do I regret my "childish" and "immature" comments? Not for a second.
> Maybe, just maybe, it's not me who needs to grow up.

Not having time or desire to play with
incendiary devices I've avoided every post on this thread but I wish 
people would take it elsewhere. thanks.

Graeme Robinson - Graenet consulting
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