Graeme Robinson wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Voytek Eymont wrote:
> > on a perhaps related issue, I have been told it's a 'bad idea' to have a
> > slow device such as a scanner on one SCSI buss, as, it will bring the whole
> > SCSI chain to the lowest common speed.
> I've never had a problem sharing a scanner with a cd burner on one chain.
> Both have run reliably on it for years.
> That's what SCSI is all about - fast reliable bus sharing - and is
> probably why it's been around for so long.  I've never even heard of
> devices interfering with each other on a scsi chain, unless they try to
> grab the same ID.

I have just got myself a new Tekram SCSI controller and it certainly
mentions to avoid having a slow UltaFast device on the same channel as
newer 160MB/sexs channel. It provides two channels on the same
controller so you can separate them otherwise its says it will drop its
speed to match the slowest.

Mike Lake
Uni of Technol., Sydney

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