> http://www.paypalsucks.com/
> I have had no experience with paypal but given sites such as these I
> would be wary. I have used kagi (something like that) to pay for some
> sofware last year and there are many other alternatives to paypal which
> dont seem to have to anti-web sites.

this is a very false logic.. one I wouldn't ever trust.. the reason paypal
as an anti-paypal site is because paypal is the most popular and most
widely used, and of course it has issues, just because one of the others
hasn't got an anti-web site may be more to do with underuse and
non-discovery of issues than anything else..

it's like saying the FTP daemon I just write 10seconds agao is more secure
than any other FTP daemon out there, because it has no reported security


> Mike
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David Airlie, Software Engineer
http://www.skynet.ie/~airlied / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pam_smb / Linux DECstation / Linux VAX / ILUG person

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