On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 02:41:34AM +1000, Graham Smith wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 19:42, DaZZa wrote:
> > I would dearly _love_ to pitch exchange from the highest roof I can find,
> > but I can't - because the PTB's want their shared calendaring, and they
> > 'aint gonna give it up for anyone.
> >
> > What would PA's do then?
> >
> > If I could find a reliable open source solution which works with LookOut,
> > and does calendars like exchange, I'd move heaven and hell to convince the
> > boss to shift to it.
> >
> > But I can't - everything I've found is either still in beta or worse, or
> > the licensing is as bad as M$'s for exchange - and that's one of my
> > biggest reasons for wanting to get rid of the pile of dog droppings.
> >
> > I know about the SuSE/Novell product - but as far as I can tell, it's
> > still very unfinished compared to exchange.
> >
> > ANyone got another suggestion?
> >
> > DaZZa
> Regarding the SuSE Openexchange Server, the engine  is now released under GPL.
> The announcement is here
> http://mirror.open-xchange.org/ox/EN/community/
> The open source version of OPEN-XCHANGE??? will be available free by download at 
> (www.open-xchange.org and www.openexchange.com) by the end of August and will 
> feature most of the award-winning attributes of the commercial product - 
> running on the major Linux operating systems (Novell's SUSE LINUX, Red Hat, 
> Red Flag, Debian) -- but without support and maintenance, third-party 
> applications and connectors.

And therein lies the rub -- no connectors.  Which means no outlook
integration without $$$.  And let me tell you, having inflicted myself with
a proprietary Outlook connector in the past (Bynari you bunch of snakeoil
pushers) there's no shortage of ways in which an Outlook connector can screw
up -- I'd *definitely* want the source to any Outlook plugin I'd deploy in
the future.

GPLing the engine is nothing -- all of that stuff is already out there in
any number of MTAs, calendar servers, and the rest of it.  It's the
integration with horseshit MUAs that the suits seem to have some sort of
sick love affair with that's really needed.

- Matt

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