damn.. must remember... shift-L to reply!
* Michael Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thus:
> On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 11:18:48 +1100, Taryn East <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Give them a crash n burn machine, and then a few distros to play with.
> Direct them to the howto LDP stuff.
> Best way to learn is to jump in and use.
agreed but.. it's not always everybody's favourite way of learning - and
I was more interested in getting him interested in the community than
just playing with distros...
what I personally often find is that there is little motivation to learn
something if all you can do is "play" - it's better if you have:
a)  a problem you are attempting to solve with it (and therefore an
angle into it that you can pursue) OR
b) a whole bunch of like-minded friends that can talk about nifty things
you find out about it and can help you try out yourself...
in this case I know he doesn't have the former (and unlikely to as noone
around him is using linux apart from myself and his father... and he
doesn't see me very often and his dad is still just trying to get his
system to work).
and I was hoping to explore the latter option - if there was a group
avaiable... I was looking for something equivalent to Linuxchix - ie a
group of people the same age that had an interest and can support each

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