* Kevin Saenz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thus:
> This stuff???? Do you mean computers and linux? Like windows, linux
> has a hardware compatibility list. Do you know what he wants to do
> with Linux? The way I started out was playing with DEC unix at uni way
> back when win3.0 was out, I hated using windows since the release of
> win95, and found Linux a happy medium, for programming and gaming.
> I first got linux in a redhat unleashed it was a pretty comprehensive
> book. He could also look at linux.org, linux.com and read the
> documentation.
Again - starting by reading reams of doco and trying to figure out
something you want to do isn't as interesting (IMO) as having a bunch of
people to talk to about it who say "I did this really nifty thing the
other day, why don't you try it?"
enthusiam (especially about such a nebulous group of stuff as "linux" or
even "open source") generally is infectious and spreads better the more
people you can get in close-contact with. :)
I gues I was mainly wondering if such a group already did exist,
specifically with youth in mind...
I'm already planning on dragging him around the generic haunts...
> The other thing is that you could install a program called vmware if
> feel nervous about installing linux on your computer.
<grin> have been running debian for several years now .... and recently
changed over to ubuntu (though I should have stuck with Warty - changing
over to Hoary killed my printer-driver somehow... :P )
and his dad has been using linux - though for less time... though he
insists that he wants to run gentoo - though it's taking him ages to get
it actually in a running and stable state :P

Anyway, he has a Mac laptop of some descript and I think he's using
whatever the latest Mac OS is (don't know much about 'em myself).
I handed him the ubuntu cd-set a week or so ago though I haven't heard
back about it just yet.
so no problem with having a machine up and available...
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