I don't think that anyone suggested it, but what's wrong with coming along to SLUG meetings? The times I've been it definitely hasn't been an adults only kind of meeting. Definitely some young folk around.

I don't know about your BF's son, but when I was 16 I got waaay more mileage out of older people and computers than I would have hanging around a bunch of teenagers, regardless of their technical abilities.

Taryn East wrote:
* Kevin Saenz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thus:

This stuff???? Do you mean computers and linux? Like windows, linux
has a hardware compatibility list. Do you know what he wants to do
with Linux? The way I started out was playing with DEC unix at uni way
back when win3.0 was out, I hated using windows since the release of
win95, and found Linux a happy medium, for programming and gaming.
I first got linux in a redhat unleashed it was a pretty comprehensive
book. He could also look at linux.org, linux.com and read the

Again - starting by reading reams of doco and trying to figure out
something you want to do isn't as interesting (IMO) as having a bunch of
people to talk to about it who say "I did this really nifty thing the
other day, why don't you try it?"
enthusiam (especially about such a nebulous group of stuff as "linux" or
even "open source") generally is infectious and spreads better the more
people you can get in close-contact with. :)
I gues I was mainly wondering if such a group already did exist,
specifically with youth in mind...
I'm already planning on dragging him around the generic haunts...

The other thing is that you could install a program called vmware if
feel nervous about installing linux on your computer.

<grin> have been running debian for several years now .... and recently
changed over to ubuntu (though I should have stuck with Warty - changing
over to Hoary killed my printer-driver somehow... :P )
and his dad has been using linux - though for less time... though he
insists that he wants to run gentoo - though it's taking him ages to get
it actually in a running and stable state :P

Anyway, he has a Mac laptop of some descript and I think he's using
whatever the latest Mac OS is (don't know much about 'em myself).
I handed him the ubuntu cd-set a week or so ago though I haven't heard
back about it just yet.
so no problem with having a machine up and available...

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