Not quite what you wanted, but to get the largest files or directories
in the current directory in order, you can use:

du -cks * |sort -nr |head -n15

This came from one of the O'Reilly UNIX books if I recall correctly.
They suggested you alias it to 'ducks' for ease of typing.


Ben Donohue wrote:
> Voytek wrote:
>> I'm trying to find a specific file withing a web tree, what the way to
>> do it:
>> I tried this with no luck
>> # locate /home/ localconf.php
>> only to get
>> find: localconf.php: No such file or directory
> Further to this (and this is not an answer to the question above) but
> I'm buggered if i can find the largest files on the hard disk and list
> them in order.
> I've tried various arguements but can't seem to crack it.
> like find / -S -r (or -s) -name xxx|more
> Any ideas out there?
> Ben
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