On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 21:46 +1200, Bret Comstock Waldow wrote:
> Linux is a copyrighted term.

Quick correction. Linux the kernel is held under copyright. Linux the
name/brand has been declared a generic term in this country and hence
available for anyone to use.

> So what does it mean, that this is a Linux User's Group, and not some other 
> sort of User's Group?

This is a group for Users of Linux who reside or have resided in Sydney.
It also caters to people who happen to use other Free/Open Operating
Systems/Software and  This is not a socio-political experiment in
thought control as you seem to think.

> I'm focused on one aspect particularly, which I realized while considering 
> the 
> RTFM discussion.  Some people have no problem with it.  Others do.  The ones 
> who do aren't just refraining from saying it themselves - they want to impose 
> their view on the others.

No, what we are trying to say is don't be a dick. The whole point behind
the original objection was that the term was unhelpful and rude. There
are much better ways to say "I couldn't be bothered so sod off" without
causing offence or potentially alienating a new community member.

> They aren't just deciding for themselves, they are taking it on themselves to 
> decide for others, and their justification at the root for taking away 
> other's choice includes that this is THE Sydney Linux User's Group.  ("We 
> advocate Linux and spread it's message, and to do this we need to...etc.")

At the moment, this is the only Sydney Linux User Group. There are no
others that I know of.

<snip useless anti MS drivel>

> Linux is GPL Free Software - it is, read the license.  This group didn't 
> write 
> it, doesn't own it, but you're taking on the name - should you?  Are you 
> really about Linux?

Please explain where the great Linus has come down from on high and
declared in a booming finnish accent "You must not impose rules on one
another, in any circumstances at all if you wish to use my kernel!"
while showering the faithful with code.

I'm sorry, but the rest of your email sounded like a letter to the
heretics, declaring us unclean because we do not adhere to your
particular brand of Free Software Love.

As you can see, I have taken the time to reply to you in full. I have
sent this email only to the list as you have asked. That is because I
believe in helping people. In your case I'm not sure exactly what sort
of help is needed but I am willing to supply it.
James Purser
Producer/Presenter - Linux Australia Update
http://k-sit.com - My Blog
http://la-pod.k-sit.com - Linux Australia Update Podcast,Blog and Forums
Skype: purserj1977

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

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