This one time, at band camp, Sonia Hamilton wrote:

> Is there a way of getting ADSL at home without paying for a landline? I
> use my mobile for everything, and don't use the landline but am paying
> for it to run ADSL on.

Nope.  Welcome to Australia, where we subsidize privately owned 
corporations whether we like it or not.  Think yourself lucky you can at 
least get decent ADSL.  My line is connected via a RIM (little mini 
exchange in the street) so I can't get ADSL2+ connected and instead have 
to connect via a Telstra port, so I'm once again subsidizing Telstra.  
My line rental is the same, despite getting a diminished service.

My only recourse is to keep getting paper bills and to pay by credit 
card.  This at least costs the bastards money.

> I know there's things like wireless from, but
> to get decent downloads the costs would work out the same.

I'm currently using Unwired while waiting for my ADSL to get connected.  
The service is appalling.  At best I get dialup speeds, with higher 

The software to monitor the Unwired modem, while written in Java, 
doesn't work.  It's got this weirdo install script and I don't know 
enough about Java to get it going.

Rev Simon Rumble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor
and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect
each from the other.
- Politicians and Other Scoundrels by Ferdinand Lundberg
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