On Thu, 2007-09-13 at 16:47 +1000, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> Denis Crowdy wrote:
> > James Dumay wrote:
> > > I find my Apple Macbook really excellent.
> >
> > Me too - mine is a 13" basic white model (Core 2 duo) about a year old 
> About 2 years ago, i went from a white 13 inch PowerPC iBook to a
> fully optioned up Dell Latitude X1.
> Admittedly the iBook was 3 years old when I did that, but AFAIAC it
> was very much the right way to go rather than getting an Intel
> powered iBook/MacBook.

Unless things have progressed, on my MacBook Pro I needed to install
a stupid bootloader/BIOS emulator which reserved half of the hard disk
for MacOS.

At the time -- a year ago -- I did try to run Linux on the bare metal,
but the video mode selection wouldn't work with just EFI. I really
didn't want my new laptop to look like a pre-XWindows UNIX box, so
I had to install BootCamp and give up half the hard disk to MacOS.

Please tell me that Fedora or Ubuntu Just Work(tm) on the bare metal

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