On 01/06/2008, at 4:09 PM, Daniel Pittman wrote:

Sridhar Dhanapalan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

We're trying to deploy a Linux server into an all-Windows company. Our
client is actually quite happy with this solution, but we were
informed a couple of days ago that they have a Citrix Access Gateway
VPN server that we must go through in order to interact with their

I can't seem to find any clear information on how to connect to the
VPN with our Linux server. The client Citrix refers to appears to be
for remote desktop use through a Web browser, and is hence useless for
a server.

Sadly, I think you are out of luck. My understanding is that the Citrix
Access Gateway "VPN" server is actually a browser hosted RDP-over-SSL

Since there isn't, as far as I know, any functional RDP server for Linux
available you are not going to have an easy path to getting this
working, as I understand things.

There is xrdp.sourceforge.net (a friend told me about it - I have not tried it). Alternatively there are commercial packages available.

I'm not sure this helps if the server is on the evil side of the network and needs to VPN in.

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