On Sunday 01 June 2008 21:35:38 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > We're trying to deploy a Linux server into an all-Windows company. Our
> > client is actually quite happy with this solution, but we were
> > informed a couple of days ago that they have a Citrix Access Gateway
> > VPN server that we must go through in order to interact with their
> > network.
> >
> > I can't seem to find any clear information on how to connect to the
> > VPN with our Linux server. The client Citrix refers to appears to be
> > for remote desktop use through a Web browser, and is hence useless for
> > a server.
> Sadly, I think you are out of luck.  My understanding is that the Citrix
> Access Gateway "VPN" server is actually a browser hosted RDP-over-SSL
> solution.
> Since there isn't, as far as I know, any functional RDP server for Linux
> available you are not going to have an easy path to getting this
> working, as I understand things.
> This may help, though:  http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX109043

I'm using xrdp to connect WinCE UMPC to a linux server POS-GUI.
It works well. But ...


And at last look the protocol for rdp changed with vista and xrdp had not 
caught up

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