2008/6/12 elliott-brennan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all,
> First, thanks to everyone who assisted with my previous exploits. It appears
> the reason I couldn't get the command to work was I had an earlier version
> of Imagemagick. Again, thanks to all, your assistance is very much
> appreciated - not least of all by the relatives who 'stare in amazement' at
> what FOSS can do in the multimedia arena :))
> Now, I have another goal I'm seeking assistance with.
> I have two video streams. In this case (for my trial) they're identical
> moving picture streams. I've broken them down into stills:
> one_000001.png to one000201.png
> two_000001.png to two000201.png
> I want to superimpose stream two onto stream one. Stream two is a smaller
> image with a transparent border. In effect, this will be a video playing
> with a smaller version of itself in one corner.
> I thought this command would do it for me:
> for i in `seq 1 999`; do j=`printf %06d $i`; echo convert one_$j.png
> two_$j.png -composite convert$j.png; done
> but though it gives me the following message:
> convert one_000001.png two_000001.png -composite convert000001.png
> I end up with no change in the end...and the 'end product' -
> convert000001.png does not exist.

The "echo" above was suggested in the previous thread as a way to
teach you what would be executed without actually executing it (which
would fail because there aren't files and probably fill up the output
with error messages). The above loop just prints strings. In order to
actually execute the command you should remove the "echo".

> Can someone please have look at what I'm doing and provide a hint/assistance
> with my obviously crap command?

Hope this helps,

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