Thanks the response and explanation James.

I get the following, sooo... not _too_ bad I guess from that perspective.

[k...@bottlenose ~]$ free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       2072908    1987788      85120          0     171084    1096132
-/+ buffers/cache:     720572    1352336
Swap:      4192944        112    4192832

So I guess I need to look elsewhere as to why my experience is "slow". To clarify my thinking, my 'slow' experience relates to the Server/Router routing to/from the hosts behind it.

Hosts behind the box timeout frequently when contacting the mail server. Likewise HTTP calls through the box seem unusually slow despite an ADSL2+ running at ~ 15Kbps D'Load connection (noise margin and attentuation seem in reasonable levels). Yet an HTTP call from the Server itself loads fairly quickly.

'route' shows what it needs to show. I have only ever read of one param in sysctl.conf that relates to routing. Where do I start to look?

Kind Regards


James Polley wrote:

You haven't mentioned swap though - is your machine eating into swap?

The best solution though is to get more RAM. It's cheap, and it makes
everything faster.

That is, assuming this is actually your problem....

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 8:48 AM, Kyle <> wrote:
Hi Slugger's

It appears I need a lesson in Linux and memory management.

If you could treat this request as if coming from a complete numpty please, and 
simply explain the differences between Cached, Buffered and Application Memory 
as they pertain to Linux?

According to KDE SysGuard, my CentOS 5.2 server appears to "cache" its entire 
2GB quotient of physical RAM. And my general experience of the box (implemented as file 
server, mail server, firewall and router) is that it is slow.

Something tells me it shouldn't be behaving like this?
Kind Regards

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