On Sat, September 18, 2010 9:24 pm, Amos Shapira wrote:
> On 18 September 2010 15:51, Voytek Eymont <li...@sbt.net.au> wrote:

> Add an "exclude" clause on all versions above the current version for
> that package to the yum configuration. You'll have to look around the
> manuals for the specific syntax as I can't give it for sure off the top of
> my head.

Amos, thanks

this seems to be what I need to try:

[main] options
list of packages to exclude from updates or installs. This should be a
space separated list. Filename globs *,?,., etc are allowed

according to yum log, this is what I had/now have installed:

# grep rrd yum.log
Sep 16 22:30:37 Installed: rrdtool-1.2.27-3.el5.i386
Sep 16 12:21:39 Installed: perl-rrdtool-1.4.4-1.el5.rf.i386
Sep 16 12:21:41 Updated: rrdtool-1.4.4-1.el5.rf.i386

I've now found

so, I should 'rpm -e' rrdtool* and perl-rrd* followed by 'rpm -i' of the
rrdtool-1.2.29-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm, yes ?

(I tried copying the binaries, and, installing from source, neither gave
desired results:

attempting to compile source complained about somestuff missing, when I
attempted to install the complained-about-item, it complained about
something else;

it was at that point that I've decide that 30 seconds to generate a web
page isn't really such a big deal)

copying binaries was a little more successful: no errors. but, no graphs
generated, either.


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