Thanks for the feedback folks. My attitude is what one of the posts in
the lopsa discussion thread referred to : "Actually I can't recall an
interview where someone said, I have little experience but I hope these
certs will give me a chance to earn that experience." I want to use the
cert to get an entry-level position, and build on it from there. Is this
a reasonable battle-plan ?
Sercond - I agree the official RedHat courses are expensive and am
looking around for cheaper alternatives for acquiring the knowhow to
pass the RedHat test. I can walk into Dymocks etc and get MCSE selfstudy
courses 6 inches thick, is similar for REDHAT available ?

On 04/01/11 10:04, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:
Hi, Rod.  You may find this lopsa-discuss thread of use:

Good luck with your career!

(Unix/Linux sys admin)

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:35 PM, Rod Butcher
<>  wrote:
I have a background in mainframe computer programming on IBM systems but
want to move out of programming into Linux support. I've rolled my own linux
kernnal&  apps for a few years and have a fair idea of how Linux works, but
only in a home-use environment.
So - I'm considering getting some proper qualifications and am considering
couses : Red Hat System Adminstrator + Network&  Security
Adminstration + Certified Engineer. Total cost = $AU 9100. Any opinions out
there about how good an approcah this is - can I get a better return on my
retraining investment ?
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