I had the same on an old laptop...

I closed the lid, pressed a few times on the lid, gently but firmly, then opened the lid again. Sometimes this worked and I got a screen up. Otherwise I plugged in an external screen and used it that way. I needed it going a little more before I put it out to pasture. However giving it a push and a shove, closing/opening etc got it going again. Depends if you are going to throw it... may as well get physical with it a bit. It might just work. After losing the screen the same as you have.. no screen but back-lit... after giving it a hit or three it has been working ever since!


On 12/09/2012 10:25 AM, Tom Worthington wrote:
On 06/12/12 13:34, Norman Gaywood wrote:

Do you get the BIOS messages on the screen if you restart it?

No. The back-light lights up, but with no text.

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