On 19 Jan 2018, at 12:10, Jonathan Perkin wrote:

GNU parted is pretty small so it could be argued it wouldn't have much
of an impact, but the principles remain the same.  This is why we
prefer to add software to the GZ tools set, available here:


which isn't bound by the same restrictions.

On that subject, are there any notes anywhere about adding packages found in the full 64-bit pkgsrc kit to the GZ tools? I am not asking for additions
to the official GZ tools package here; I am quite happy to have a way of
adding extras after the standard GZ tools package has been installed.

Background to this: before it got trimmed down, the GZ tools package contained tree and Mercurial (plus a pile of other stuff). I find tree an excellent tool when exploring a new file system, and I was using Mercurial to manage various scripts which logically belong in the GZ alone. Other folks would no doubt
like to add their own bits and pieces...

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